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Appropriate Checklists for Year-End Tax Planning

What are appropriate checklists for year-end tax planning?

Tax planners often develop checklists to guide taxpayers toward year-end strategies that might help reduce taxes. Typically, suggestions are grouped into several different categories, such as "Filing Status" or "Employee Matters," for ease of reading. When year-end approaches, it might be wise to review each suggestion under the categories that may apply to you.

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Who to Ask When You Need to Help With a Business Plan?

A business plan is critical when you're getting ready to launch a business. It helps you stay organized on the path to your goal, while also helping you to hone in on key concerns such as funding objectives and marketing plans. At the same time, your business plan can also help you attract investors. 

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Charitable Giving: How it Affects You Financially as Well as Personally

The holiday season is just around the corner and many charitable organizations are in desperate need of donations to help provide the vital services needed in the community. You are most often inundated with a number of charitable requests towards the end of the year, which could be ideal time to take advantage of charitable giving from a financial standpoint. 

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