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It’s National Annuity Awareness Month: 7 Reasons to Consider Annuities

Given continued uncertainty, consumers are more interested in taking control of their finances and their future than ever before. Fixed annuities can be a valuable tool in the retirement planning toolbox. Here are seven reasons to consider annuities when preparing for your future.

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Navigating the Runway: Exploring Traditional and Roth IRAs for a Smooth Retirement Landing

As the whispers of spring turn into a full-blown chorus, excitement builds for the upcoming travel season. But for those approaching retirement, a different, yet equally thrilling journey is about to take off: the journey towards financial freedom. In this pre-departure guide, we'll explore two essential retirement vehicles – Traditional and Roth IRAs – equipped with their latest 2024 upgrades, to help you land a smooth and comfortable financial future.

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When Should You Retire?

The pandemic sparked some interesting retirement trends. First there was an unexpected decline in the share of workers in the United States who were 55 and older, prompting a study called “The Great Retirement Boom” by economists with the Federal Reserve. By early 2022, the trend was reversing. “Unretirements” were on the rise, with an estimated 1.5 million retirees returning to work in the U.S. labor market by March 2022. A study of Labor Department data by Nick Bunker, an economist with Indeed, revealed that as of March 2022, 3.2% of workers who had retired a year earlier had gone back to work, becoming unretired.

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