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Roth IRA for Kids

Small business owners may find it challenging to find ways to provide additional benefits to their children who work for the company. One often overlooked choice is including a Roth individual retirement account (IRA) as part of their compensation, a strategy that offers the potential to benefit both the children and the business.

Small businesses play a significant role in labor markets. They employ 61.7 million Americans, 46.4 percent of all private-sector employees. Over the period from 1995 to the present, small businesses have been responsible for generating 17.3 million net new jobs, which accounts for an impressive 62.7 percent of all jobs created since 1995.1

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Navigating the Runway: Exploring Traditional and Roth IRAs for a Smooth Retirement Landing

As the whispers of spring turn into a full-blown chorus, excitement builds for the upcoming travel season. But for those approaching retirement, a different, yet equally thrilling journey is about to take off: the journey towards financial freedom. In this pre-departure guide, we'll explore two essential retirement vehicles – Traditional and Roth IRAs – equipped with their latest 2024 upgrades, to help you land a smooth and comfortable financial future.

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New Year, New Budget, New Security: Refreshing Your Finances for 2024

As the confetti settles and the champagne fades, a familiar feeling might bubble up: it's time for a fresh start. But instead of committing to vague resolutions, let's focus on something tangible, something that impacts your life every day – your finances. This year, let's kickstart your budget and review your insurance, building a secure foundation for your financial future.

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