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Money Mantras

Market swings causing you some anxiety? These four money mantras can help you overcome it.

Whether it’s the continuing presence of the COVID-19 pandemic, a sudden boost in prices related to gas, food, housing and other essentials, supply chain hiccups, an uncertain labor market (or any number of other things), the stock market has certainly seen its share of ups and downs over the past six months. As always, it’s impossible to predict what the market will do on any given day. But at the start of a new year, it’s always a good idea to take some deep, measured breaths and focus on some basic money mantras. Doing so will help you push through any anxiety you may be feeling regarding your retirement account (no yoga pose required).

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Holiday Wrap Up

A look back at 2021 thus far.

The year in brief. 2021 has been a year of economic and business recovery – a recovery tempered by the delta variant of the coronavirus, but a rebound nonetheless. 

Stateside economic indicators were largely up this year, some strikingly so. As more industries opened up fully in the first half of the year, pent-up consumer demand for goods and services grew quickly, but supply could not keep up in many sectors. Inflation made a comeback, and analysts were divided on whether it would decline in the near term or persist at elevated levels. Cheap oil became a memory, along with cheap gas. Congress spent much of the year trying to compromise on a multitrillion-dollar infrastructure bill, and more recently started working on debt limit and budget legislation. Around the world, supply-chain issues and ongoing vaccination efforts tempered global growth.

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Your Year-End Financial Checklist

Aspects of your financial life to review as the year draws to a close.

The end of the year can help remind us of last-minute things we need to address and the goals we want to pursue. To that end, here are some aspects of your financial life to think about as this year leads into the next. 

Keep in mind, this article is for informational purposes only and is not a replacement for real-life advice. Make certain to contact a tax or legal professional before modifying your tax strategy. The ideas presented are not intended to provide specific advice.

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